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Scaling FreeBoardGames.org backends horizontally

In this post, I describe how we were able to scale the FreeBoardGames.org’s NestJs and boardgame.io backends horizontally using Pub/Sub.

FreeBoardGames.org is a FOSS project focused on publishing free boardgame.io games created by the community, without profits. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw significant growth on users (from ~ 1k to up to ~ 30k monthly active users, see stats here) and developers contributing to the project (see contributors here).

However, this growth spurt brought me some worry that we might not be able to sustain another wave of growth with its current architecture.

Previous Architecture

FBG started with the web server responsible for rendering the React page, and later we migrated it to Next.js. The JavaScript on this webpage would then send http requests directly to the boardgame.io (bgio) server in order to create new matches. After a match was created, the browser connects with the server using a websocket. This websocket is used for broadcasting moves and state between players after validating them in the bgio server.

______________        _________
|            |  http  |       |
|   Browser  | <----> |  web  |
|            |        |       |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^^^
      ^               __________
      |  websocket    |        |
      +-------------->|  bgio  |
         http         |        |

Initially, the state of all matches were kept in-memory on the bgio server. However, this had the unfortunate side-effect that restarting the server meant losing all active matches state. In order to avoid the ire of players by losing their games, we would only restart the server when nobody was playing. This constraint made it hard to deploy new versions of the software when we reached a few hundred monthly active users, as at any given time we would have some users playing. So, in order to avoid this issue, we made the bgio server write and recover matches state to a database, which currently is Postgres.

______________        _________
|            |  http  |       |
|   Browser  | <----> |  web  |
|            |        |       |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^^^
      ^               __________       ______________
      |  websocket    |        |  SQL  |            |
      +-------------->|  bgio  | <---> |  Postgres  |
         http         |        |       |            |
                      ^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Over time, we wanted to experiment with new infrastructure that, at the time, was not supported by the boardgame.io framework. While initially we tried to contribute upstream most of these changes, we realized that some of these features were particular to our use case, or would require significant effort to generalize for the boardgame.io library. For instance, we wanted a public lobby, and we wanted live updates to the room state, while boardgame.io only supported pooling REST APIs.

So we created the fbg-server, a service that would wrap the boardgame.io server, handling authentication, rooms, and allowing us to create the public lobby on the home page, and later a chat too. It was built using NestJs as it provided a powerful and yet simple dependency injection framework. We also decided to use GraphQL mainly to leverage Subscriptions that made it easy to write pages with live updates. In order to persist its state, we used TypeORM and connected this new service to the existing Postgres database.

______________        _________
|            |  http  |       |
|   Browser  | -----> |  web  |
|            |        |       |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^^^
      ▲               __________       ______________
      |  websocket    |        |  SQL  |            |
      +-------------->|  bgio  | ----> |  Postgres  |
      |               |        |       |            |
      |               ^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      |                 ▲                     ▲
      |                 | http                |
      |                 |                     |
      |               ________________        |
      |  websocket    |              |   SQL  |
      +-------------->|  fbg-server  | -------+
         http         |              |

Bottleneck and New Architecture

Meanwhile, we also migrated to Kubernetes and coded our infrastructure in Helm. This made it easy for contributors to be able to easily run a production-like environemnt using minikube and to scale multiple replicas of our web server, as it is stateless.

However, we could not scale the bgio and the fbg-server services because the websocket connection makes them stateful. This means that if we naively ran two (or more) instances of these services, some users on a particular instance would not be able to receive the updates generated by other users on a separate instance (i.e. a move in a game), unless they reloaded the whole page (which forces the state to be fetched from Postgres).

The solution to this is a Pub/Sub service. Each room (for fbg-server), and each match (for bgio) can be a topic/channel that each instance subscribes and pushes updates to, bridging the communication between multiple server instances. For that role, we picked Redis, as it a FOSS project too which also avoids any technology lock-in, making our architecture look like the diagram below.

______________        _________
|            |  http  |       |
|   Browser  | -----> |  web  |
|            |        |       |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^^^
      ▲                                         Pub/sub
      |                 +------------------------------
      |                 ▼                             |
      |               __________       ______________ |
      |  websocket    |        |  SQL  |            | |
      +-------------->|  bgio  | ----> |  Postgres  | |
      |               |        |       |            | |
      |               ^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
      |                 ▲                     ▲       |
      |                 | http                |       |
      |                 |                     |       |
      |               ________________        |       |
      |  websocket    |              |   SQL  |       |
      +-------------->|  fbg-server  | -------+       |
         http         |              |                |
                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                |
                        ▲                             |
                        | Pub/sub                     |
                        ▼                             |
                      ___________                     |
                      |         |<--------------------+
                      |  Redis  |
                      |         |


New Redis server and connecting it to fbg-server

The first step was creating a new Redis service. This was also the easiest one because we use Helm, so we just needed to add the bitnami redis dependency to our Chart.yaml:

- name: redis 
  version: "14.1.0"
  repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"

The only configuration needed was setting the password on values.yaml:

    password: REDIS_FBG_PASSWORD 

Then, we needed to connect the existing fbg-server to Redis to allow it to horizontally scale:

 |              |
 |  fbg-server  |
 |              |
 | Pub/sub
 |         |
 |  Redis  |
 |         |

Under the hood, our fbg-server uses NestJS and GraphQL subscriptions. This article was a good step-by-step guide on how to scale horizontally this setup.

In summary, we had to use graphql-redis-subscriptions npm library to create a new FbgPubSubModule, which provides an specific implementation for GraphQL’s PubSub interface. After that, we had to replace all the previous injections of the default GraphQL PubSub to use the new one, by annotating them with @Inject(FBG_PUB_SUB) and removing the previous PubSub module. Lastly, we had to make sure we provided the correct host name and port of the redis service to the deployment running fbg-server. You can see the full PR here.

Scaling bgio: Contributing upstream to boardgame.io

All in all, scaling NestJS and the GraphQL subscriptions was a painless experience. I knew boardgame.io did not have built-in horizontally scaling support, because, well, nobody has ever needed it (do we ?). Therefore, I was expecting a bit more work there as we would probably need to change some APIs …

However, I also knew that boardgame.io uses socket.io under the hood. And there are plenty of guides online on how to use Redis pub/sub to scale socket.io to multiple servers.

 |        |
 |  bgio  |
 |        |
 | Pub/sub
 |         |
 |  Redis  |
 |         |

I found out a way to pass the redis adapter to the bgio Server. It connected succesfully with Redis, and… Nothing worked :(. No messages went through the pub/sub channels that were created by socket.io adapter. Testing with two servers, a player would do the move in one server and the other player would not receive the move, making the game state diverge between them.

I sent a message to the boardgame.io gitter channel:

hello folks... I am trying to scale
boardgame.io horizontally, and even though 
I was able to make the socket.io broadcast
to multiple servers using a redis adapter, 
it doesnt work. 

My hypothesis is that we are keeping some 
state on the memory of the server, and that
state is not being updated with new messages 
coming from peer socket.io servers, only 
when the client is directly connected to it. 
This would make the in-memory state of 
different replicas of the same server to 
drift apart. 

Does anybody know what state we keep
in-memory on the server? (...)

And bingo, the always helpful Chris Swithinbank replied with this:

Ohhh, might it be to do with the way we 
emit update events to everyone? 
Basic schema is:

1. The server (each instance in your case) 
has a Map of match IDs called roomInfo. Each 
match ID maps to a set of client IDs (socket 
IDs in this case). (source)

     roomInfo = {
         matchID -> [ clientID, clientID, ... ]

2. When a client connects to the server, we 
add its ID to the set of client IDs for the 
relevant match (source). This will only happen 
on the server instance they connect to.

3. When a client makes an action, we run it 
through the reducer etc., then emit the 
updated state to connected clients. But we
do this by saying: give me the set of client 
IDs for this match ID; now send the update 
to each client ID (source).

Say there are two servers you might have a 
situation like this:

Server 1                      Server 2

roomInfo = {                  roomInfo = {
  matchA -> [ client1 ]         matchA -> [ client2 ]
}                             }

In this case, server 1 doesn’t know about 
client 2 and server 2 doesn’t know about 
client 1, so the two clients won’t actually 
emit to each other.

But… Why wasn’t boardgame.io using a socket.io room per match instead of sending a separate message to each connected player? If that was the case, everything would work out of the box. Chris replied:

(...) One thing we do is store the 
player ID for each client so that we can
run the playerView for each of them when 
updating state. (...)

playerView is the function that allows a very popular feature in boardgame.io: Secret state. It inhibits cheating by only sending the relevant subset of the state for each player. For instance, if you were playing poker, we would not send the poker hands of your adversaries to your browser. This would only be known by the server.

However, this feature/requirement made so each player receives a different message from the server, and its implementation abandoned the usage of socket.io rooms.

The problem is illustred below. Previously when Player 0 made a move: (G is the game state)

 |            |
 |  Postgres  |
 |            |
      | previousG
newG = previousG + move
  |        | --- playerView(newG, 0) ---> Player 0
  |  bgio  | --- playerView(newG, 1) ---> Player 1
  |        | --- playerView(newG, 2) ---> Player 2

The single server would know all the players connected to the match and send a specific messages to each, the result of the playerView function. Naively using multiple servers:

 |            |
 |  Postgres  |
 |            |
      | previousG
newG = previousG + move
  |        | --- playerView(newG, 0) ---> Player 0
  |  bgio  | --- playerView(newG, 1) ---> Player 1
  |   0    | 

  |        | <- x -> Player 2
  |  bgio  | 
  |   1    |

Player 2 which is connected only to bgio 1 would not receive any updates from its server, as bgio 0 that received the move is not aware at all about the existence of Player 2.

To fix this, my initial reaction was to move the metadata about which players that were connected to which servers to the database. However, after thinking a little bit, it was clear that this was not enough, we would still need to send messages across servers, having only the metadata would not enable bgio 0 to send a message to player 2, even if it knew it was connected to bgio 1. At that point, I got lazy and stopped working in this project for some months, as it was shaping to be much more work than expected.

Then, looking at the boardgame.io code, it was clear that the easiest way forward would be the solution below:

 |            |
 |  Postgres  |
 |            |
      | previousG
newG = previousG + move
  |        | 
  |  bgio  |
  |   0    | 
      | Pub (newG)
 |         |
 |  Redis  |
 |         |
 | Sub  | Sub (newG)
 |      ▼   
 |  __________
 |  |        | --- playerView(newG, 0) ---> Player 0
 |  |  bgio  | --- playerView(newG, 1) ---> Player 1
 |  |   0    |
 |  ^^^^^^^^^^   
 |  __________
 |  |        | --- playerView(newG, 2) ---> Player 2
 +->|  bgio  | 
    |   1    |

This had the advantage that we would not need to query the database regarding the metadata of each connection: Each server would only know about the players directly connected to them, and apply the playerView to any new state received for a match the player is in. It also meant that we could always publish a newG to the pub/sub interface, and always calculate the playerView from its subscriptions, and the pub/sub interface could be generic enough to run in-memory for the (most common) case that the boardgame.io user does not need to scale horizontally.

We implemented this idea by first refactoring the existing interfaces to postpone the playerView calculation to the transport layer, and then creating a generic pub/sub service and the default in-memory implementation. Then, the @boardgame.io/redis-pub-sub library was created to hold the pub/sub adapter to redis, which avoided adding any redis dependency directly to the boardgame.io library.

Finally, we were able to scale the boardgame.io deployment to multiple pods in production a few days ago 🎉:

$ kubectl get deployments -n fbg-prod
NAME                  READY   UP-TO-DATE
fbg-prod-bgio         2/2     2         
fbg-prod-fbg-server   2/2     2         
fbg-prod-web          2/2     2           
Written on August 18, 2021